Sunday, September 4, 2016

Expert Bios/10 Questions for Each

I have three possible subjects total, but one is undecided. The first two experts, Tony Brown and Melanie Gilbreath are members of the NCPCOW (The North Carolina Piedmont Church of Wicca) and the third expert I came up with is undecided at the moment. I have questions I want to ask an unbiased expert (hopefully a religious professor), but I haven't found who I would want to talk to yet.

Tony Brown 


Tony Brown is a founding member of NCPCOW and has been a practicing Wiccan for almost twenty years. At the church, he is the High Priest Emeritus and is devoted to the Greek God of rebirth, Dionysos. He is also the vice-chancellor of the NCPCOW. He is very active in his community and has a established a family friendly environment at the NCPCOW.

10 Questions:

  1. How did you go about founding NCPCOW and are there other communities in your area?
  2. Outside of NCPCOW, do you have a job? If so, what is your profession?
  3. How did you recruit priestesses and priests at NCPCOW?
  4. Before you became a Wiccan, were you practicing a different religion?
  5. Is anybody in your family Wiccan? If not, do they accept your religion?
  6. Why did you decide to become  a Wiccan?
  7. Have you ever faced discrimination as a Wiccan? Discuss recent discrimination versus past discrimination.
  8. In your opinion, what is one of the most common misconceptions that outsiders have had towards your religion?
  9. Can you explain what the holiday Samhain is and why it is sacred to your religion?
  10. What is different about the reception of Wiccans by the public now versus when you first became one?

Melanie Gilbreath

Melanie Gilbreath is a high priestess and member of NCPCOW and has been a practicing Wiccan for eleven years. She is devoted to the Minerva, Roman goddess of Goddess of learning and the arts and the god Mercury, who revolves around traveling, trade and commerce. She studies African, Native American, and European folk magic and loves to travel as well as engage in textile crafts.

10 Questions:
  1. How did you find out about and decide to join NCPCOW?
  2. Outside of NCPCOW, do you have a job? If so, what is your profession?
  3. How did you become a high priestess at NCPCOW?
  4. Before you became a Wiccan, were you practicing a different religion?
  5. Is anybody in your family Wiccan? If not, do they accept your religion?
  6. Why did you decide to become  a Wiccan?
  7. Have you ever faced discrimination as a Wiccan? Discuss recent discrimination versus past discrimination.
  8. In your opinion, what is one of the most common misconceptions that outsiders have had towards your religion?
  9. Can you explain what the holiday Samhain is and why it is sacred to your religion?
  10. What is different about the reception of Wiccans by the public now versus when you first became one?

Undecided Expert:



10 Questions:
  1. Why did you decide to study Wiccan religion?
  2. Can you explain what the other subsets of Pagan are besides Wiccan?
  3. Have you ever seen a Wiccan gathering? What was that experience like?
  4. Are you friends with anybody/teach anybody who is Wiccan?
  5. Do other religions you study relate to Wiccan religion?
  6. What are the positions that need to be filled within a Wiccan church?
  7. Could you tell us about the Salem witch trials?
  8. In your opinion, what is one of the most common misconceptions that outsiders have had towards Wiccan religion?
  9. Can you explain what the holiday Samhain is and why it is sacred to their religion?
  10. What is different about the reception of Wiccans by the public now versus twenty years ago?

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