Sunday, September 11, 2016

FST 495 Update #3

I'm happy to announce that we have decided on a name for our film: Modern Craft. We also filmed our Indiegogo campaign video today and plan to launch in a week. We feel it's important for our film to have a campaign because our documentary could put the money towards travel, hotel, craft services, production design, and festival costs. We've set a budget for $1500 and are so excited to launch! I've already made a Facebook page so that we can begin to network prior to our campaign launch. I also received a call from a potential second subject, Tony Brown, who is located in Shelby, NC. If we are allowed to interview him, we will get to go up to Shelby on October 15 and witness the NCPCOW (North Carolina Piedmont Church of Wicca) Samhain Shindig. I'm currently working on the schedule for the remainder of the semester and setting deadlines for my fellow crew members. I'm so proud of the amount of hard work that everybody is putting into this project and cannot wait to see it come to life. We cannot wait to present our pre-production presentation and hope that our campaign video is done by then because we would love to show it to the class. I'm so grateful to be producing this project and cannot wait to see the final product!

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